Bill Stilwell from the Management Institute, University of Wisconsin, said, “So, to the degree you give others what they want, they will give you what you want.” I was amazed by this simple statement. I’ve never forgotten it. I saw it as one of those rare, precious moments that can change your life if you can truly grasp its meaning. Like self-liking and goal-setting, it’s one of those things I wished I’d learned it’s true meaning years before. I mean, this is the key to persuading, motivating, and leading others. This is the key to getting people to do things for you. Yes, to the degree you give others what they want, they will give you what you want! Oh, my…it seems so simple. And, maybe it is, if you really understand it. But few do. Because even if you know the rule you must learn how to communicate the rule before it actually works for and not against you. For most, it works in reverse because they want to get what they want BEFORE they give others what they want. For example, a man says, “I would give my wife roses if she would show me more affection.” That’s the problem…you must first give others what they want…then they will give you what you want. People have it twisted around. ~ Mack Newton