In the fall of 1988, I was faced with a major decision. It involved my car. It was a 1973 yellow Corvette I had purchased brand new 15 years earlier. It was my pride and joy, the only thing I owned of real value to me and I had taken really good care of it. Read More
Category Archives: Mack Newton On
At the risk of giving away my true age… I started my training in Martial Arts over 51 years ago. I began my training exclusively in Taekwon-Do some 10 years later already holding a 2nd Degree Black Belt in Karate. However, I had to start my training all over in Taekwon-Do from the rank of Read More
For me, it’s been a long painful process. Learning the importance of intimate, long-term, loving relationships. It is one the truest measures of how well we’re doing as human beings. For some people (especially men) it is difficult to find the courage to commit themselves fully to a relationship. Usually this is because they’re afraid Read More
Falling in Love with the Work
When I returned from Vietnam some years ago, I re-started my martial arts training. I had already achieved a black belt in Karate, but when I decided to enter Taekwon-Do, it meant starting over from the beginning as an adult. It was difficult. Not only was I recovering from Vietnam injuries, but I kept focusing Read More
Success Through Failure
Every now and then something really good appears on the TV screen. Last week while watching a sporting event, a commercial came on that struck me as being very important. It starred Michael Jordan and he was relating how he had lost over 8000 games in his career and taken 26 game-winning shots…and missed. He Read More
Developing Self-Trust
Once while being interviewed for a radio program, the interviewer asked me, in light of all the adversity I’ve faced in life, what, if anything, am I afraid of? Without the slightest bit of hesitancy, I responded, “My only fear in life is that I won’t continue to like myself enough to keep doing the Read More
Hard Work
Several years ago a young man came up to me after a workshop and said, “Mr. Newton, you have reputation as hard worker, just how many hours do you put in everyday?” I replied, “I simply work a half day, everyday…12 hours!” In my study of human achievement, I’ve found that all things are positively Read More
I have a crystal clear mental image of this scenario…I was standing in the courtyard of the apartment complex where I rented a small 1-bedroom apartment, retrieving my mail from the mailbox. The complex manager saw me and came out to carrying a small white envelope, which she handed to me. I opened it and Read More
Staying On Your Path
I had a great job in sales in 1971 for a large corporation in Chicago. They had promoted me to a managerial position and I was in charge of sales for the western portion of Illinois. The job used a lot of my talents and I was very successful at it. Within two years I Read More
We are now living in a golden age. An era we’ve worked towards for thousands of years. America presents endless opportunity for everyone living here. Let’s take 100 men and women starting even at the age of 25. All of them want to be successful. If you ask them they would tell you that they Read More