To continue with the same behavior and look for a different outcome is considered by some to be an indicator of insanity. All of us do that some of the time, to some degree, but when it is the normal operating procedure, there is a clear need for a change in behavior. Doing things diffently doesn’t mean that you have to change who you are at heart, or do anything that goes against your morals or values. In fact… doing things differently with a purpose of getting more out of yourself and developing more of your possibilities brings you more in harmony with your principles and your values. Simply put…it means becoming a better you. Doing things differently also doesn’t mean that you’re going to automatically come up with the perfect idea or best solution immediately. It’s going to set up the inevitable flow of failures sure to come that will teach you what you need to know to become that eventually success. It’s going to give you a chance to succeed. It’s going to jolt you out of your “doing things the same way” behavior long enough for you to look around and see some other ways in which you can get this done. If you can learn from the failures and not run away because you’re afraid or lazy…if you can remain focused on what you want…then…just maybe, you have a chance to become the ultimate creative driving force in your life. ~ Mack Newton