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Remember Me?

You Gotta Want It…Badly!

Most of our successes don’t look like success when they first show up in your life in response to your goal-setting. That’s why some people don’t recognize them as what they asked for…because it’s disguised in work clothes…or even tragedy. Sometimes people who have gone through a lengthy or terminal illness realize suddenly what they Read More

What Do YOU Want?

Desire and passion comes from inside you… for you and belong to you alone. No one can want anything for you and you can’t want anything for anyone else. It just deoesn’t work. You may want your partner to be more sensitive, or be a better listener, or to lose weight…yet…unless your spouse wants the Read More

Try Everything

Sometimes you are absolutely certain that you need to change. You feel it in every cell of your being, but you have no idea what you should do. If you find yourself in this situation, sometimes even random enthusiastic activity will pay off. Try ‘something’. ..try ‘everything’…until something works. We all know that Thomas Edison Read More


In the interest of constantly embracing change…a powerful technique I use frequently use consists of sitting quietly with pen and paper and writing your major problems, challenges or goals down in the form of a question to yourself. The question might be: “How can I use my time more efficiently?” or “How can I be Read More

Small Change

I embrace change. I love change. Instead of the universally held opinion that things will be worse off as a result of the change. I feel that everything will be better…sooner or later. I even borrow ideas for change from other fields to adapt to my needs to make change a constant in my life. Read More