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Level 1.0
Hello and welcome to my gym! You’ve come to the right place…you’re safe here and I can get you started in a sensible workout routine that you CAN do and get you where you want to BE in as little as 2 1/2 hours a week. You probably haven’t worked out in a very long time, if ever. or you’re severly overweight, or you consider yourself to be old and beyond salvation. If any of this is true for you this is the workout place for you to start. Oh…by the way, you’re NEVER too old and NEVER too heavy to get healthy. It’s NEVER too late to have a great life! This class is designed for people who may consider themselves beyond help! You’ll be led in the class by Laura Gonzalez, herself weighting in at this taping at 297 pounds! Laura weighed over 300 pounds when she started just a bit over a month before this taping. Laura says: “If I can do this…you can do this!” Joining Laura in this session will be Lisa Pena and 1st Degree Black Belt Andrew Tsekhanovsky. Most of this workout is done while sitting down. I explain everything you need to know to get you started successfully. Yes…it’s a full-body workout…but, again designed just for you and not some super, workout jock! Combine this with my 3-2 eating plan and you’ll have two-thirds of all you’ll need to reach the promised land. The other third? A GREAT ATTITUDE!! OK…let’s put this in your shopping cart and get rolling.
~ Mack Newton
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Level 1.1A
All-l-l-l right…welcome to our basic beginner level 1.1.A! This is just a tad more challenging than 1.0…or maybe it’s a smidgen more…or perhaps just a schoch more…oh, whatever…you’re going to have to do more work than in 1.0…how’s that? It’s a total-body workout, but still much of it done while sitting down. If you’ve mastered the techniques and pace in level 1.0, you’re ready for 1.1.A. You’ll be led in this session by 75 year-old Laura Price. She’s a joy to work with and will inspire you throughout the stretching routine to not give up and you’ll have fun at the same time. Lisa is back along with Natasha Newton, so…the women are runnin’ and gunnin’ on this workout. Again…lots of instructions… lots of inspiration, so don’t be nervous, you’ll be fine! You’ll love working out with Laura Price…you’ll love the pace…you’ll love the feeling you’ll have after completing this perfect workout for those who’ve made a great choice to change their lives for optimum health. Jump on in and let’s have some fun!
~ Mack Newton
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Level 1.2B
Attention all jocks! Attention all former and think-they’re still-in-shape-jocks! This is the perfect workout for those who’ve been in shape in the past, but haven’t worked out in some time and want to safely get back in shape. This session has an excellent stretching program…exactly what you need when you’ve been off for awhile. You’re going to sweat here and the pace is quickened with less time spent explaining and demonstrating techniques. This workout is designed to build your cardio and coordination and start to work a little bit on building some strength. We spend alot of time on the buttocks and legs (hence the “B” in the title) so that you’ll quickly build some confidence and be inspired to move on. Don’t worry…this is a total-body workout…in fact…all of the online workouts are total-body, we just have a special emphasis on a different body area in each workout. Natasha Newton will lead you in this class and she’ll be joined by Whitney Hays and former-college rower Alex Cumsky. Golfers, baseball players, soccer players, business execs and doctors will appreciate this workout for it’s appropriateness to what you folks do. As I said, this is the “let’s get back in shape workout.” So…don’t be scared…let’s rock n’ roll!
~ Mack Newton
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Level 1.3C
We all love things with a little flair, don’t we? Well…this workout has FLAIR! Congratulations on your choice, you’ve made any excellent selection if you’re currently working out, but you haven’t reached your fitness level goals yet. The stretching segment is world-class and will challenge you so that you can bring this important element into your workout routine. This alone will raise your game. This stretching will make everything you’re good at…better. So…don’t shirk the work when it come to the stretching. ALL top-level performers understand the importance of this component to high performance. Let’s not wait until you feel you’re in better shape and then come back to get the stretching…no, let’s do it NOW, when it’ll do you the most good. You’ll be led in this workout by Holly Keller, a former highschool cheerleader, who hadn’t worked out in a long time. She’s joined by world-class tri-athlete, fitness competitor, author and spokeswoman, Marty Hames. She’s the FLAIR I was talking about earlier! She’ll provide an excellent example of perfect technique, pace, focus and attitude for you to emulate. With her, Black Belt, Andrew Tsekhanovsky returns to complete our team and what a team it is! Of course, this is a total-body workout and our focus is on chest and arms. At this level, the pace does pick up a bit, but it’s manageable. This is a strength-building workout, but will challenge your cardio, as well. This is where I usually start the pro’s at the beginning of their off-season training.This class is all about accepting the challenge and striving to get better all the time. Ready or not…here I come!
~ Mack Newton
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Level 2.0
Welcome to the Intermediate Level and get ready for a walk on the wild side. Everyone knows that the puppy that is Newton Fitness has HUGE fangs, but up until this point they’ve been kept under wraps. In this workout, they’re not on full display, just a lil’ peek. Really, though, this workout is like an old pair of well-worn jeans…very comfortable and seems to go with anything. This is a basic clas with a capital “B”. We work everything on your body except your ear lobes. This class will get you ready for a marathon, the basketball season, your high-school reunion, your softball league, or your Black-Belt testing. So, of course you need a ‘fair to good’ level of fitness in order to do this workout. No particular emphasis here, just a really good, well-balanced class that is total-body and will challenge you from beginning to end. No special equipment needed besides your own body and a good attitude for maximum performance. Marty Hames is back to make sure you don’t slack off when the going gets tough… Holly Keller returns and both are joined by first-timer and Newton Taekwon-Do Blue Belt student, Shuyler Humes. Working out with this team, you can’t go wrong and we’re assured of a great workout and one heck of a good time all the while! Ok…the heat is officially turned up…enjoy the ride.
~ Mack Newton
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Level 2.1A
This workout is practically identical to the previous one except for an emphasis on the abs. Ok…maybe it’s just a little bit more intense…but that’s it! It’s the same! Well…maybe the stretching is more designed for runners and running sports… so if you’re a runner or a cyclist, play soccer, baseball or football this workout is for you. It’s not important for you to be able to say you were able to do a particular workout…it’s what the workout can do for you, that’s important. “Does it make you better or worse?”, is the question you must ask concerning your workout routine, because nothing is neutral. This workout is going to make you BETTER! Our team is experienced with returnees Lisa, Andrew and JD doing their best to to inspire you to a get maximum effort and upward and onward towards your fitness goals. This workout is for you if you want ‘washboard abs’, great stamina, endurance and tremendous flexibility. You’ll get a great stretch, a challenging cardio workout with an extra bump on the abs, and all in less than an hour. Do this 3 times per week and you’ll be ready for the first-string varsity before you know it.
~ Mack Newton
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Level 2.2B
This is the perfect class for you if you’re a gymnast, martial artist or a dancer. This workout strengthens your core and your upper legs, hip flexors, inner thighs, and increases your flexibility. Core strength is critical for balance and the hip flexors must be super strong for maximum utilization of your legs. When athletes get leg injuries especially of the hamstrings or quads, it’s usually because of an imbalance of strength and flexibility between those two muscle groups. When under extreme stress as when dancing, performing martial arts or gymnastics, this imbalance can result in muscle failure…commonly called a muscle pull. This workout is designed for athletes with a history of leg issues so they can get back in the action without fear of re-injury. Not to worry, though…this is still a total-body workout with a super stretching segment as are all the workouts in our online series.
~ Mack Newton
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Level 2.3C
In this session we’re going to use 5 and 10 pound weights to help get you strong. We’re combining the weight-lifting with a strong cardio demand for a very unique workout. It’s actually a cardio-weight lifting class. You’ll see the ladies demonstrate perfect technique while inspiring you to not give up. Lis is back with Natasha and CC showing that they are no strangers to weight lifting. In this workout, you’re going to get a complete upper-body workout. The deltoids, the triceps the pecs, biceps and lats all get a tremendous workout without having to lift heavy weights and possibly hurt your shoulders, your knees or your back. When we combine the weights with this strong cardio output, we create an invironment where you simply get stronger faster. Because this session moves quickly from one body part to another, it’s particularly important to pay to close attention to technique and detail, especially when you’re learning the full-body crunches. The full-body crunch is as amazing as it is difficult when it comes to making your stomach stronger along with strengthening the hip flexors and back, as well. As with all our workouts, this one is also total body.
~ Mack Newton
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Level 3.0
This is the beginning of the next level up. I call it the “Level 3 Series”. Back in the day… in boxing, they called rounds 13, 14 and 15…the championship rounds. You had to be in great shape to go there. In fitness…this is the championship series. So, welcome to the Level 3 Series…wear it well…it’s a badge of honor. The cardio is leveraged up and the whole workout demands a higher level of focus and commitment than earlier levels. You’ll need your weights again (5 pounds for females and 10 pounds for males), but the focus of the class is on a complete all-around workout. Rest time between exercises is reduced so your recovery time must be faster. Correct technique is a must in order to make it to the end. If you’ve come up through the Level 2 series, the stretching here will be very familiar…the flexibility, increased range of motion and suppleness will continue to benefit from this Level 3 stretching program. When you finish this workout, you’ll feel unbelievably good! When you’re able to do this workout…start to finish without stopping and keep up with the pace …you’ll feel GREAT! Don’t just do this class…have FUN doing this class!
~ Mack Newton
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Level 3.1A
What a class to connect the two Level 3 Series workouts! The class has some of the most creative ab work that I know of yet remains an extremely challenging all-around total-body workout. Veterans Lisa and Andrew are joined by first-timer Lon Taylor…and, oh, my…what a class in which to make his debut. But…don’t worry…he’s level 3 material. Of all the sessions I’ve designed for this online series, this is my favorite. The pace is perfect. This is my Level 2 Series all grown up. Yeah…you have to be in pretty good shape to do this class…but, it’s not so far out there that you can’t use it as a spring-board to higher levels. As I said earlier, the ab-work here is very challenging…yet, very effective for the entire ab grouping. The cardio demand may not be the end of the earth, but you can see it from there. The upper-body work is top tier and designed to make you stronger, simply put. I don’t want to make this class sound like it’s easy…it’s just that I think it’s manageable for you if you’re in shape and if you’re willing to give it everything you’ve got. So, if you feel lucky…take a chance.
~ Mack Newton
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Level 3.3C
This workout is for athletes who are already in GOOD shape…right now! Go NO further unless you are in the best shape of your life RIGHT NOW and want the next level up! In fact…this workout can have the opposite desired effect by tearing you down instead of making you stronger unless you’re mentally and physically prepared for this high level training. Now…having said that…the stretching here is also level 3 series and includes some new stretching techniques needed for this level of training and lays the groundwork for improved circulation, range of motion and suppleness. 5th Degree Black Belt, Nick Kapande from Evergreen, Colorado, Deb Landaburu (Cupcake), and Blair Singer are the 3 champions I’ve chosen to lead you in this our most challenging workout in the entire series. The main difference between this workout and earlier level 2 and 3 series is that the cardio demand is extremely high and there is very little time to rest between excercises. You’ll need your 5 or 10 pound weights that we’ll use to provide a different perpective to strengthening your upper-body than pushups alone…especially when we combine the weightlifting with extreme cardio output. But…don’t worry…it’s a total-body workout,.. we overload the abs, pop the calves and crush the quads…you’ll love it! Just make sure your insurance is in full affect and I’ll see you in my gym!
~ Mack Newton
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