The ability to form and realize goals is the Number One achievement skill. Goals are essential to your happiness and success in life. Without clear goals, you just drift and live your life without purpose. Without goals, change becomes unpredictable and a source of anxiety. Goals become a way to control the direction of change Read More
Category Archives: Mack Newton On
Getting Started
We’ve all heard the saying, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” This is very, very true. At least 80% of all new business start-ups in America fail due to one of two reasons, being undercapitalized and lacking a detailed business plan. Once you have the detailed plan of action, get started! Accept Read More
William James of Harvard University said: “Compared to what we ought to be, we are only half awake. Our fires are dampened, our fires are checked, we are making use of only a small part of our mental and physical resources.” The psychologist and philosopher wrote those words over 50 years ago and they are Read More
In the world of professional sport and high-level athletic performance…stress sometimes determines winners and losers and separates stars from the superstars. So, what exactly is stress and can we eliminate or control it? Obviously there is a good side to stress, it can push us to higher levels of achievement and performance than we had Read More
Great Expectations
I feel that I am pre-disposed by nature to great expectations. Throughout my life, no matter how troubling or challenging the circumstances, somehow I always expected things to work out well. Even during the days when as a teenager I was living on the mean streets of Chicago, Illinois…enduring the cold winter days and nights…living Read More
Persistence, Part Two
Most people quit. It’s a simple as that. Most people quit. It’s no secret…successful people never quit. If there is a secret, it’s that persistence is the main ingredient to winning at anything. It frequently comes down to being just that simple…that success hinges on simply never giving up. Calvin Coolidge said: “Nothing in the Read More
Knowing When You’re Ready
A quote from Abraham Lincoln goes like this; “I will study and prepare myself and someday my chance will come.” If you study and prepare yourself…your chance will come too. When? When you’re ready. How do you know when you’re ready? That’s easy. You’ll know when you’re ready because the universal Law of Attraction will Read More
Creative Abandonment
In my conditioning classes, I have a front row. These are the electric people, the ones who are so positive and motivated that they inspire the rest of the class. In my life, I also have a front row. The front row are people I count on, people of whom I ask questions, people whose Read More
Post 9/11… Why Are We Scared?
Like so many of you, I remember exactly what I was doing the moment I heard of the attacks on the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. Like so many of you, I have thought long and hard about the effects those attacks have had on our country and our way of life. Like Read More
Many of the problems I’ve faced in my life, I actually created for myself. Sometimes it makes us feel a little better in the short term to blame other people or circumstances for our problems, but usually you don’t have to look any further than the mirror to find the root cause. For me, it Read More