Category Archives: Mack Newton On


Anger is a phenomenon. It is a major source of negativity and stress. Anger has contributed to the destruction of or destroyed more marriages and relationships than any other negative emotion that I can think of. People who are unable to control their anger have lost their jobs and entire careers because of it and Read More

Leadership 2007

We need leadership today more than ever before in America. We need more courageous leadership from parents in the home…more honest and focused leadership from business…and, more principled and moral leadership from government. The great Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes once said: “there are three types of people, there are people who make things Read More


As a nation, we have the technology to conquer outer space, cure-devastating diseases and even to use our mental capabilities to create alternative fuels, as well as other technological marvels. However, as individuals we face an equally important challenge and that is the development of personal discipline. I feel that personal discipline is possibly the Read More

Why Sports Matters

There’s no question about it! Sports matters! I recommend all kids participate in sports while growing up. Kids who take part in sports when they’re young are not only physically healthier but, they’re also mentally and psychologically healthier, as well. Consider this: most people quit. It’s as simple as that…most people quit. But, it’s no Read More


The only thing that determines how well a person does or how far a person goes in life is attitude. Attitude is not only important…attitude is EVERYTHING! Well, since we know that having a positive mental attitude is important, why do so many people have bad attitudes? It’s simple; most people don’t know where attitudes Read More

Active Learning

Can you imagine a school with a curriculum so powerful that it could teach you to overcome any crisis, face any challenge, solve any problem? Such a school exists, and it’s right inside your head. If you haven’t mastered its guidance, it’s because you haven’t yet learned…how to learn through the process of active learning. Read More

Being Childlike

Children are born with two truly remarkable characteristics. The first is that they are born totally unafraid. This is characterized by the words “I can”. They feel they can do any thing they want. Children come into the world with only two physical fears, the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. Otherwise, Read More